live life to the fullest

live life to the fullest

Thursday, July 2, 2009

gloomy day..

act,berhajat nak post 2 hari lepas agi..
tp sgt2 down dat time.xleh nak create post pon.
2 ari lepas mmg the worst la happen kat aku.
tp bak kate rakan ofis,tiap problem psti ade hikmah kan..
n tiap prob gak msti dpt solve,yg pnting kte sabar n usaha.
alhamdulillah prob tu dah settle dah..
aku x lgi jiwa kaco bak kate cik din...heheeh
kredit to cik din yg tgh menggatal..^_^
so moralnye, hadapi la seme dugaan hidup dengan hati yg sabar n cekal..
semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati kite.^_^