live life to the fullest

Sunday, June 28, 2009
weekend yang best!
so damn hepi la..y?
aku dpt visitor from kg la..
my fiancee n his family la..
bwk pg mkn kat kuala perlis..pdg besar..mane lagi ye..
aloq setaq..
so sedih la mcm kejap jek lepak skali..ahad pg dah balik..
tp smpat lagik aku hang out ng my fwen nisa..
ape lgi pi tgk transformer berbaloi..
sori to abg, cant wait la..^_^
Monday, June 22, 2009
hepi father day's..
My late beloved father was completely lost in the kitchen and never ate unless someone prepared a meal for him. When my mum was ill, however, he volunteered to go to the supermarket for her. My mum sent him off with a carefully numbered list of 3 items.
Then my lovely abah returned shortly, very proud lah…and proceeded to unpack the grocery he bought..wat did he bought?!
i. four boxes of detergent
ii.five boxes of crackers
iii.big bag of sugar...
huhuhuhu..very funny lah...
2 days to go..
my ordinary xpe,at least aku bli dgn usaha aku sndr..thnks god!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
finally, i get a job....

Alhamdulillah syukur finally..aku telah dpt post..berkat doa ibu the most person i love..dan jga doa2 org yg tersayang..^_^..Almost half year aku menganggur.During dat time mcm2 pengalamn aku dpt..ade yg best n ade jugak x bape best..Part best bile aku rest lame kat umh,tlg mama wat keje umh,anta adik ng apiz pg sekolah,masak..masak?!mmm hidang je kot=p tmbah agi mama ptg baru balik keje..n the most aku ske lepak depan tv, part x best nye..ble org asyik duk tnyw ble nak keje..=(..sampaikan nak jemur kain pon aku fobia..ade jek jiran dtg menempel tnye mcm2..penah skali aku bgn awl gle nak bsuh keta dgn harapn xde la org dtg menanya..guess wat?!!kul6.30 pg dah ade yg dtg..huwaaaaa....diorg nie xde kje lain ke?!!..but now,hampir separuh my life have complete bt not 100%...doa2 dan support dr org2 tersayang msih lagi aku arapkan...^_^